Sociology Books For UPSC (IAS) and State Civil Services
A lot of aspirants choose Sociology as optional for UPSC (IAS) and other state PSC exams. Also, it is very beneficial for Genera Studies Papers. These Sociology Books are also useful for students of sociology in Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.

To start with one should go for NCERT Books (class 11th and 12th), NIOS Material on Sociology and Selected IGNOU material for specific topics.
Then, for a Detailed Understanding of the Subject and making notes one should Use the following books as per the topics and themes in the syllabus.
- Sociology Themes and Perspectives – Michael Haralambos, Martin Holborn
- Sociology – Anthony Giddens
- Sociological Theory – George Ritzer
- Society in India: Concepts, Theories and Recent Trends – Ram Ahuja
- Social Problems in India – Ram Ahuja
- Modernization of Indian Tradition – Yogendra Singh
- Caste Its Twentieth Century Avatar – M. N. SRINIVAS
- Persistence and Change in Tribal India – M.V. Rao
- Social Background of Indian Nationalism – A. R. Desai
- Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques – CR Kothari
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