

Origin and Development of Sociology

In origin and development of Sociology, two factors played important role. 1) Intellectual Forces (contributions of thinkers; 2) Social Forces (Social conditions prevalent in society).

Social Institution

What is Social Institution? Basic concepts in Sociology (2025)

The social institution is a system of beliefs, norms, values, positions and activities that develop around a basic societal need or generally, institutions are patterns of norms that define behaviour in social relationships. Institutions are the pre-defined patterns of conduct established by habitualised human actions.


What is Community? Basic Concepts in Sociology (updated 2025)

Community is a term we apply to a pioneer settlement, e.g., a village, a city, a tribe or a nation. Whenever the members of any group (small or large) live together in such a way that they share the basic conditions of common life, we call that group a community.